Monday 1 October 2007

Flight to Egypt (Day 1)

The whole thing started at Ljubljana airport, where we caught our afternoon flight via Istanbul (Turkey) to Cairo.

On the first photo is our last glance at Slovenia for 15 days. Alps can be seen in the background.

After a couple of hours we landed in Istanbul.
I usually try not to buy things at airports. I didn't do it this time either.
My two companions (my girlfriend and her sister) on the other hand could not resist the temptation. They just had to sit down at one of many cafes and order something.

You can see from the photo what exactly it was. I'm sure you would never guess the sum on the bill. Well, what is your best guess?
5 Euros? Wrong!
10 Euros maybe? Wrong again!
It was 42 Euros! 42 Euros for a cup of coffee, a Red Bull and a bottle of juice!

Later on, I have learned that Istanbul airport is supposed to be the most expensive airport in Europe! No shit!

We still haven't fully forgotten about all that, when around midnight we landed in Cairo and went to our Hotel. Sleep was the only thing on my mind. I don't know why, but airports always tire me out completely.


Anonymous,  1 October 2007 at 13:06  

Welcome back! Thanks for the warning about the prices in the Istanbul Airport. 42 Euro for 3 drinks, that is outrage!

Jose 2 October 2007 at 20:07  

For starters that first picture is breath taking. Hey I hope you guys gave a good tip to the waiter that brought you those drinks. Just kiddin' lol

Travel-PB 4 October 2007 at 12:28  

Thanks for the welcome.

Slovenia in general looks nice. Even from an airplane. :)

You should come around and check it for yourself sometime. ;)

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