Showing posts with label Bled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bled. Show all posts

Monday 18 November 2013

Bled and Slovenia promo video

Another great video presentation of Slovenia has been released a while ago. Since I like it a lot I decided to share it with you.

This video mainly focuses on lake Bled and popular activities in the nearby area. Some other beautiful Slovenian destinations are also included in the presentation.

If you like this one, you should probably also check out a few similar videos about Slovenia I posted a while ago.


Friday 19 April 2013

Top 10 reasons for visiting Slovenia

A few years ago Slovenia started regularly appearing on tops of various hot travel destinations lists all over the media. Key market players and trend-setters like Lonely Planet, Frommer's, Fodor's, and National Geographic have all been raving about this small country with a population of two million, tucked among Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. If this still does not ring a bell, you definitely must be wondering what the fuss is all about...

As a local who has also done his share of travelling, I can easily point out a few strong points of this little gem of a country every visitor should be looking forward to. Even more than just that - I can do it from a traveller's point of view.

If you are a regular visitor of this blog, you have probably noticed I recently entered Big Blog Exchange competition (hosted by Hostelling International) and made it to 100 finalists from all over the world. If the jury recognizes Slovenia as an interesting enough travel destination, I will have the honor of exchanging places with another contestant from a yet unknown country. Only 16 lucky bloggers will have the chance to embark on this great adventure. I hope this list will also help tip the odds my way.

So with no further ado, here are my top 10 reasons why everyone should visit Slovenia:

    For a country only the size of Wales, Slovenia packs a huge variety of landscapes. Country's landscape changes from snow caped Alpine peaks in the north, to Adriatic coast in the south-west and Pannonian Basin in the east, with endless, green rolling hills in the middle. The best part of this is you can get from the Alps to the Adriatic sea in a couple of hours and even make a short stop at a fairytale-like lake on your way there.
    If diversity of landscape is not enough for you, there is also a whole different world hidden underground (some of the natural cave systems go on for over 20 kilometers).
    Alongside with landscape food also changes from one part of the country to another. Near the northern border there is a strong Germanic influence and in the west Italian and Mediterranean cuisine is well represented. There is a similar situation in eastern (Hungarian influence) and southern regions.
    Those endless rolling hills mentioned before make a perfect setting for three main wine producing regions: Littoral, Lower Sava Valley and Drava Valley. Although low production capacities are keeping most Slovenian winemakers away from the World scene, there are some real gems among them.
    Slovenia's location is one of its strong-points but at the same time takes its toll on the number of visitors. It is definitely conveniently located next to higher ranking tourist countries like Italy, Austria and also emerging Croatia.
    Sadly instead of including Slovenia into their itineraries tourists tend to rather spend more time in nearby Italy and Croatia. The best case scenario includes a short three-day visit to Slovenia.
    In my opinion Slovenia can serve as a perfect base for an European adventure - when (if at all) one gets tired of it, there are always places like Venice and Vienna just a short drive away.
    Due to its location and a quite turbulent past, there are many fascinating historical sites in Slovenia. They range from prehistoric (the oldest musical instrument in Europe was recently discovered here), Roman, medieval (picturesque castles), WWI (one of the bloodiest battles was fought in the west of the country) to WWII (many remains of partisan activities) and beyond.
    Despite its location in the very heart of Europe there are still many nicely preserved regions where a traveller can be one with nature. Over half of the country is covered with forests where many rare animals can still be observed in their natural habitat. A true paradise for nature lovers!
    You can try swimming in many Alpine lakes and rivers so clear they will make your head spin. It is no wonder a fairytale movie spectacle like The Chronicles of Narnia was filmed in the Soča river valley. You can also find some unique fishing and adrenaline sports opportunities there - usually for a fraction of a price you would pay in a neighboring country.
    Even though prices have gone up since embracing the Euro, Slovenia is still very affordable compared to its neighbors. I am sure with growing tourism, prices will only rise with time. This is usually an irreversible process, so visiting as soon as possible is the right thing to do.
    Even though it is not unknown, I think it is fair to say Slovenia is still relatively undiscovered. This however is changing fast. With growing media attention more and more visitors are finding it on the tourist map. This might be good for the economy but seeing crowds of tourists around every corner is not a very desirable thing for a traveller.
    Luckily at this moment finding a place for yourself is pretty easy to do - even though it is a small country.
    Visitors to the country are usually surprised to find friendly locals always ready to help them out. I guess this has something to do with the fact people are not tired of tourists yet. There are not all that many... yet.
    If you are approached by a local it does not mean he wants something from you - he probably just wants to offer help.
    Having one of the lowest crime rates in Europe should also say something. This does not mean a traveller should be totally careless in Slovenia but probably there is no need to be more careful than at home.
    Last but definitely not least - there is a good chance you will not have any problems communicating while in Slovenia. I find this to be quite important when trying to learn more about a local culture. Most locals speak at least a second language apart from Slovenian. English, Serbian, Croatian, Italian and German are widely spoken. If you do find a person who does not speak any English, there is a very good chance he (or she) has a friend or a relative nearby who does.
    Despite all this, it always helps if you show a little effort and learn a word or two in local language. It just might help you get to the other side of that door that usually stays closed.

I believe Slovenia is a perfect destination for a first time visitor to Europe. It offers a perfect taste of Europe - a little bite of every neighboring country, usually with some local seasoning. Since it is pretty easy to navigate and laid-back it can serve as an introduction to more hectic places (e.g. Rome or Athens).

Slovenia can make a prefect start to your European adventure!

How about you, my trustful reader - have you ever been to Slovenia? Did you like it? What do you think of the above list?
Please leave a comment. I would really love to hear from you.


Wednesday 27 July 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Canoeing at Lake Bled


Thursday 21 July 2011

Another successful running event held in Bled

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts I also visited this year's Night's 10 running event in Bled, Slovenia. This year participation was limited to 2011 runners.
More info is available directly on the Night's 10 official website which unfortunately is only partially translated into English.

We had a great time and since I didn't take part in the event, I had time to shoot some photos. Some runners took the run dead seriously and tried to break the record. Others just focused on having a great time.

Every contestant received a headlamp and it resulted in a moving light-show around the lake.

For the above photo I used a delayed flash effect. That is why that headlamp left such an interesting trace and also some of the runners look a bit like ghosts.

This year many runners came from abroad. I also spotted quite a large group of Brits posing for a group photo at the start line. Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Organization was excellent once again. This is thanks to Knights of Good Running (this is a translation from Slovenian language - "Vitezi Dobrega Teka", which also means "Knights of Good Appetite").
They are a great group, which everyone can join. Check out their website. Unfortunately it is only in Slovene, but Google Translate can help you out for sure.


Thursday 7 July 2011

Night's 10 in Bled

Bled is a charming small town at the edge of Lake Bled in the northern part of Slovenia. Bled is usually referred to as the number one tourist attraction of this European country. It is a place where President Tito had his summer residence back in the days of Yugoslavia.

Even nowadays visitors are fascinated by the beauty of the whole area. There is a picturesque island in the middle of the lake with a church on it. An old castle overlooking the lake from a steep cliff directly above the lake and Alps in the background also add to the special atmosphere.

Every year on a Saturday around the 10th of July there is an interesting event held at the Lake Bled. It is called the Night's 10 (or Nočna 10ka in Slovene). It is a 10 kilometer night run around the lake. This year it is taking place on Saturday the 9th of July, at 10 PM.

Unfortunately for you, it is already too late for applying. Applications have been closed a while ago. However that is no reason not to participate. You visit the event to cheer for runners and to enjoy the atmosphere - there will definitely be live music and partying long into the night.

I will also be there - this year just as a part of a support team. If anyone plans to be there... well, let me know and we might get a chance to enjoy a beer and a local delicacy - Bled cream cake, together.


Thursday 8 February 2007

Lake Bled, Slovenia

In the previous post I wrote about my sledding adventure, which in the end didn't include that much sledding.

I have mentioned that we went to Vogar. What I didn't mention is that it's in the Slovenian region of Gorenjska. On our way from Ljubljana we drove past a couple of lakes - Bled and Bohinj. One part of Lake Bohinj can be visible on a photo included in the previous post.

This time we didn't have time to stop and admire the beauty of Lake Bled which is the most promoted tourist sight of Slovenia - and with a reason too. It's breathtaking. In the middle of the lake there is a church build on the only Slovenian island. On a steep cliff rising almost directly from the lake stands the oldest Slovenian castle. It was first mentioned in 1011. Even a former Yugoslav leader, Marshall Tito had a residence by the lake. In short: it's a must see.

During the last autumn me and my girlfriend took a trip there. It is a great destination for a day trip. The objectives were simple: to relax, enjoy the scenery and of course to take some picture-postcard photos.

I dare to say that all of the objectives were met. I'll let you decide about that on your own - at least about the picture-postcard part anyway. ;)

Buy a DVD video titled: Slovenia and Croatia
Buy an Exploring Horizons series DVD: Bled, Slovenia

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