Friday 18 May 2007

How to win 20 EUR?

It's pretty easy if you go party with me... Read on for more juicy details and money winning tips. ;)

In Ljubljana (the capital of Slovenia and a center of Slovenian student life) the Student fair takes place once every year. In my humble opinion it's the best student party of the year.
One of its main attractions is a large offer of various traditional culinary dishes and beverages (mostly alcoholic ones) from around the country. And all of that for free!

In addition to this, there were also some other activities available for students to participate in. For instance somewhere there was supposed to be a mechanical bull you could ride, but I guess I wasn't trying hard enough to find it. We found other things to occupy us. For instance we were trying various cocktails and couldn't get enough of that.

Two of my friends also volunteered for a 20 Euro task. The girl simply had to open her mouth which served as a cocktail mixer. Her boyfriend then simply used a straw to drink the cocktail. That was it – the easiest 20 Euros ever earned!

Other tasks were not so interesting and not so much to our liking. Who would want to participate in a banana eating contest, where you have to eat more bananas then a guy next to you? With all the alcohol around we surely weren't yelling: "Me! Me! Pick me!"
So we rather concentrated on spending (drinking) those Euros.

We have also tried an attractive blue cocktail presented by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. It even had white smoke coming from it (allegedly achieved with a dash of liquid nitrogen). Its main ingredient was vodka. The taste wasn't so bad, but the real surprise came on the next morning. My urine looked remarkably similar to that same cocktail – it was bright blue. Through the day it gradually regained its regular color. That really was a relief.

I guess the moral of this story is: "Think twice before you drink anything a chemist offers you."


Wednesday 16 May 2007

Climbing the highest peak of Pašman island

This was one heck of a climb! So kids, don't try this at home (unless you are an experienced Himalaya-hardened climber).
We decided to do this without renting a local Sherpa. Friends tried to persuade us not to go, but they didn't succeed. The mountain was calling us!

The climb started at our base camp at 0 meters above sea level. It took us two days to get used to such extreme height.

We went on our way sometime in the late morning. There were three of us - every one of us being an experienced climber.

Our first stop was somewhere on the half way up, at a point where the narrow path was replaced by a wider gravel road. We considered our options for moving on and after a while we took the road towards the top. We decided to continue without crampons.

After a while we reached the top of Mt. Veliki Bokolj with its staggering 274 meters above sea level. We took some time for photos and enjoyed the view (the Kornati natural park looked as beautiful as ever). The most enthusiastic hiker of the three of us had a stamp-pad on him (he usually does). We used it with the stamp, which is available at the top.

After some 20 minutes we decided to head back - we were afraid of some unexpected snow blizzard. You can never be too careful!

Besides seeing a couple of snakes, the descent went on without incidents. We were back at our base-camp just in time for lunch. To our great surprise it was sea bass on the menu again. It was delicious!


Friday 11 May 2007

Passive night fishing

After (not very successful) few hours of night fishing some of the eager fishermen also tried passive fishing. Results were expected. :)

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